Where are your services?
Our Services are held in the Coyner Lodge Chapel at Davis Park in Anderson, Indiana. Coyner Lodge Address: 4507 Nichol Ave., Anderson IN 46011. Click here for more information and directions. St. Anne’s offers a special thanks to the United Methodist Church for their hospitality in allowing us to meet at Davis Park.
What time are your services?
Our Sunday services are at 11:30 am. Holy Days and other Services are announced in the bulletin prior to their occurrence.
How long are your Services?
The liturgy is usually about an hour in length. We also Welcome everyone to stay for Coffee and refreshments after the service.
What are your Services like?
Click here to Learn about our Worship Service. Our Service follows the pattern of historic Christian Worship, with a liturgy of the Word (Prayers & Scripture Readings) and a liturgy of the Eucharist (Holy Communion). We sing traditional Christian hymns.
What Liturgy do you use?
Our Liturgy is taken from the Book of Common Prayer. We follow the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer, 2019, with additional prayers and devotions often taken from other traditional liturgical sources. See the text of our service here. For the entire Book of Common Prayer, 2019, click here.
What if I am new to Liturgy and the Book of Common Prayer?
You are Welcome to join us and to participate at whatever level you are comfortable. The Bulletin and the Prayer Book will lead you through the Service itself. You are Welcome to follow along and to learn with us! This guide may be helpful.
Can I receive Communion?
All Baptized Christians, who have repented of their sins, and believe that the Eucharist is the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ are Welcome to receive Communion. Instructions on how to receive Communion can be found here.
What Bible translation do you use?
Our Readings are taken from the English Standard Version (ESV). Some readings may also be taken from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) or the King James Version (KJV). See the ESV text here.
What are the Beliefs of your Church?
We Believe the Nicene Creed, the Christian Confession of Faith in the Most Holy Trinity. We believe and confess Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no one comes to the Father but by Him. We believe in the Liturgy and the Sacraments of the Church. We believe in the Episcopacy and the apostolic succession of the Church. We believe in the Councils of the undivided Church. Read more here.
What is an Anglican Church?
The Anglican Church is the third largest Christian Church in the world. Our tradition comes from the historic Church in England. Read more here.
What is the Anglican Church in North America?
The Anglican Church in North America is the Anglican Province in the United States, with joins Dioceses across the US and Canada into one Provincial Church. Read more here. Or visit the ACNA Website here.
What is the history of St. Anne’s Anglican Church?
St. Anne’s has been a Parish since 2007. The Parish was started with a desire to have a Biblical and Orthodox Anglican Church. Read more about our history here.
What is the Mission and Purpose of Saint Anne’s?
St. Anne’s is a parish that desires to offer Orthodox Worship to the Most Holy Trinity, Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to uphold the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith. We are Catholic in Faith, Orthodox in Worship, and Anglican in Spirituality. Read more here.
Who is Saint Anne?
Saint Anne was the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God! She is a model of the power of Prayer and of how God uses people of Faith to transform the world. Read more here.
How do I become a member of Saint Anne’s?
Prior to any parish membership, a person must become a member of the Body of Christ which is the Christian Church – One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. A person becomes a member of the Church through faith in Jesus Christ and Baptism in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. For full sacramental membership of the Church, in addition to Baptism, the Church requires the anointing of Confirmation through the laying on of hands by a Bishop. At St. Anne’s, there is no formal requirement for joining or registering as a member of the Parish. As a small community of believers, we welcome those who worship with us into our family. If you are a baptized Christian who believes the Nicene Creed, worships with us regularly, and receives Communion at least once a year, then you will be considered a member of our Parish. Read more here.
What if I have other questions?
We Welcome your Questions. Please reach out to us! Click here for Contact Information.